Getting Started With Counselling

People seeking counselling with me can be referred by their GP or other concerned professional, or they can contact me directly.


An initial appointment will be offered, usually within a week. This is an introductory meeting, lasting about one hour, and provides you with the opportunity to meet me and where you decide whether or not to begin counselling with me. It also offers us the opportunity to assess whether my services will meet your needs. I will assist you in finding the appropriate help if it becomes apparent that some other form of help would be more beneficial to you.


Clients will usually arrange to attend for one session per week and this will, if possible, be arranged for the same time each week.


There is a commonly held myth that counselling is addictive. This is not true and you will not be in counselling for any longer than you need. Counselling will give you an opportunity to explore your current problems in a safe and professional environment and hopefully lead you towards greater balance and contentment in your life.


You've Got Questions

If you are interested in counselling, but want to ask a few questions before making up your mind, you are welcome to phone or email me.

There will also be plenty of time in your first session to ask as many questions as you want.

In keeping with the ethics of professional counselling, I work in accordance with a set of guidelines, which provide protection for everybody involved. The first session will include a detailed discussion of the guidelines, and I will seek to address any concerns you may have about them.